
Sterownik silników BLDC

EM-346 is brushless DC-motor driver with hall sensor feedback. The unit has a mosfet power stage with good efficiency and it meets

also todays EMC requirements. The driver can be used with 120° commutation. This driver has true 4Q power stage, and it makes

possible to use regenerative braking . In this braking method the supply voltage rises, this voltage rising can be controlled with braking

resistor. If uses battery supply then the braking energy can be leaded back to battery and braking resistor will not needed.

The unit has the basic digital command inputs like direction, brake, start/stop, disable and there is analog inputs for speed and

current control. One digitally presetable second speed (speed-2) is possible to activate with digital command input. EM-346 has

two NPN outputs for fault and overcurrent indication use. Some input and output functions can be modified with parameters.

Driver includes overvoltage, undervoltage and overtemperature protections. These fault situations are indicated with fault on-board LED.

Overtemperature and current limit situations can be reset with reset input, reset-timer or by setting analog speed control to value to 0.

There are two control options for speed. Direct control ( open loop ) sets motor voltage in propotion to control voltage as with

a standard DC-motor. Closed loop uses hall sensor feedback for speed control, this mode offers good speed regulation.

Start and stop ramps work in both mode. Speed adjust range, closed loop rpm range and rampse can be set with parameter.

Anolog input are filtered so that there can also use PWM signal for control speed and current.

Setting can be done digitally with EM-236 interface unit or with Emen-Tool lite program installed in PC and EM-268 adapter cable.

Parameters stored into nonvolatile memory of device. This interface unit can also be monitored the current and rpm of motor.

Device can be installed in DIN-rail base and some enclosure options are also available.



- Three phase output

- Speed and torgue adjustment

- Open/closed loop modes

- Regenerative braking option

- True 4Q-power stage

- Braking resistor output

- Current limit and trip

- Symmetrical control option ±5V or ±10V

- Fault and overcurrent outputs

- Good efficiency

- Low EMC emissions

- DIN-rail mountable

- Rpm-pulse output option

Pokaż więcej
  • 12-48 V DC, 10 A prąd ciągły, 20/25 A prąd szczytowy
  • Praca w pętli otwartej lub zamkniętej (sprzężenie zwrotne z czujników Halla)
  • Praca czterokwadrantowa
  • Możliwość podłączenia rezystora hamowania
  • Kompaktowa budowa, montaż na szynie DIN

Wybrany wariant produktu

Wybrany wariant produktu

Specyfikacja techniczna

Częstotliwość PWM 16kHz
Dostawca Electromen
Maksymalny prąd ciągły 10 A
Masa 200 g
Montaż szyna DIN
Napięcie zasilania 12 V DC, 24 V DC
Odpowiedni silnik Bezszczotkowy DC
Prąd szczytowy 25 A
Rodzaj sterowania Prędkość, Hamowanie, Kierunek, Moment, Soft start/stop
Sygnał niski - logiczne 0 <1V = OFF
Sygnał wysoki - logiczne 1 >4V = ON
Wejście analogowe 0-5V lub 0-10V lub ±5V lub ±10V
Wymiary dł x sz x wy 89x73x32 mm mm
Zakres ustawień prądu 0.1-25 A

Opis produktu

EM-346 is brushless DC-motor driver with hall sensor feedback. The unit has a mosfet power stage with good efficiency and it meets

also todays EMC requirements. The driver can be used with 120° commutation. This driver has true 4Q power stage, and it makes

possible to use regenerative braking . In this braking method the supply voltage rises, this voltage rising can be controlled with braking

resistor. If uses battery supply then the braking energy can be leaded back to battery and braking resistor will not needed.

The unit has the basic digital command inputs like direction, brake, start/stop, disable and there is analog inputs for speed and

current control. One digitally presetable second speed (speed-2) is possible to activate with digital command input. EM-346 has

two NPN outputs for fault and overcurrent indication use. Some input and output functions can be modified with parameters.

Driver includes overvoltage, undervoltage and overtemperature protections. These fault situations are indicated with fault on-board LED.

Overtemperature and current limit situations can be reset with reset input, reset-timer or by setting analog speed control to value to 0.

There are two control options for speed. Direct control ( open loop ) sets motor voltage in propotion to control voltage as with

a standard DC-motor. Closed loop uses hall sensor feedback for speed control, this mode offers good speed regulation.

Start and stop ramps work in both mode. Speed adjust range, closed loop rpm range and rampse can be set with parameter.

Anolog input are filtered so that there can also use PWM signal for control speed and current.

Setting can be done digitally with EM-236 interface unit or with Emen-Tool lite program installed in PC and EM-268 adapter cable.

Parameters stored into nonvolatile memory of device. This interface unit can also be monitored the current and rpm of motor.

Device can be installed in DIN-rail base and some enclosure options are also available.



- Three phase output

- Speed and torgue adjustment

- Open/closed loop modes

- Regenerative braking option

- True 4Q-power stage

- Braking resistor output

- Current limit and trip

- Symmetrical control option ±5V or ±10V

- Fault and overcurrent outputs

- Good efficiency

- Low EMC emissions

- DIN-rail mountable

- Rpm-pulse output option



Warianty produktu Napięcie zasilania Prąd szczytowy Cena
12 V DC, 24 V DC
25 A
24 V DC, 36 V DC, 48 V DC
20 A

Wybrany wariant

Wybierz wariant produktu z listy

Wsparcie techniczne
Wojciech Drabik

Product Manager 

+48 696 432 686 +48 696 432 686

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Wsparcie Klienta

Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy skontaktuj się z nami:

phone 22 863 27 22

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