EM-318 is a bipolar-chopper type microstepping steppermotor controller. The bipolar operation principle suits most stepper motors and
provides the best torque. The microstepping function also enables great performance at low rpm. The stepping and current regulation hasbeen synchronized, giving a smooth and quiet operation. There are 7 different stepping options to choose from, ranging from full- to
1/64-step operation. This provides various possibilities for different speed applications.
The controller has its own auxiliary oscillator, which can be used for pre-set speed driving. The pre-set speeds can be activated by using
4 digital function inputs. The oscillator features an acceleration ramp function, which allows frequencies to be altered flexibly. The motor
will also start up reliably even to higher frequencies and it is possible to shift to the desired velocity with out pace drop. The auxiliary
oscillator incorporates an indexing part, which offers the possibility of running presettable operational sequences. These secuences can be activated with the 4 digital inputs. The sequence is a movement with selected speed, direction and distance (as steps). All the inputs are activated with positive logic commands. So the commands and functions are activated by connecting the input to a positive voltage. Control can also be done with TTL-logic level commands.
All of the controller settings are made digitally, using the separate setting device, EM-236 Interface Unit. With this device the settings are
easily copied to an other or even to multiple controllers.
- Bibolar chopper
- 1, 1/2 , 1/4.....1/64 steps
- Four preset function inputs
- PNP or TTL control
- Quiet run current control
- Acceleration / deceleration ramps
- DIN-rail base mountable
Dostawca | Electromen |
Maksymalny prąd ciągły | 3 A |
Masa | 100 g |
Montaż | szyna DIN |
Napięcie zasilania | 12-24 V DC |
Odpowiedni silnik | Krokowy |
Rodzaj sterowania | Prędkość, Kierunek, Moment, Pozycja, Soft start/stop |
Sygnał niski - logiczne 0 | <1V = OFF |
Sygnał wysoki - logiczne 1 | >4V = ON |
Temperatura pracy | 0°C...+50°C |
Wymiary dł x sz x wy | 87x72.5x25 mm mm |
Zakres ustawień prądu | 0.1-3 A |
Zakres ustawień prądu | 0.1-3 A (krok 0.1 A) |
EM-318 is a bipolar-chopper type microstepping steppermotor controller. The bipolar operation principle suits most stepper motors and
provides the best torque. The microstepping function also enables great performance at low rpm. The stepping and current regulation hasbeen synchronized, giving a smooth and quiet operation. There are 7 different stepping options to choose from, ranging from full- to
1/64-step operation. This provides various possibilities for different speed applications.
The controller has its own auxiliary oscillator, which can be used for pre-set speed driving. The pre-set speeds can be activated by using
4 digital function inputs. The oscillator features an acceleration ramp function, which allows frequencies to be altered flexibly. The motor
will also start up reliably even to higher frequencies and it is possible to shift to the desired velocity with out pace drop. The auxiliary
oscillator incorporates an indexing part, which offers the possibility of running presettable operational sequences. These secuences can be activated with the 4 digital inputs. The sequence is a movement with selected speed, direction and distance (as steps). All the inputs are activated with positive logic commands. So the commands and functions are activated by connecting the input to a positive voltage. Control can also be done with TTL-logic level commands.
All of the controller settings are made digitally, using the separate setting device, EM-236 Interface Unit. With this device the settings are
easily copied to an other or even to multiple controllers.
- Bibolar chopper
- 1, 1/2 , 1/4.....1/64 steps
- Four preset function inputs
- PNP or TTL control
- Quiet run current control
- Acceleration / deceleration ramps
- DIN-rail base mountable
Firma Technosoft specjalizuje się w opracowywaniu inteligentnych napędów, łączących w sobie sterownik silnika i kontroler ruchu w jednym urządzeniu, w celu realizacji złożonych funkcji ruchu.
Pojazdy AGV wymagają wyspecjalizowanych kontrolerów ruchu, niezawodnych i dających duże możliwości programowania. Taki właśnie jest iGVD71 firmy Technosoft.
Firma Gefeg-Neckar specjalizuje się w dostarczaniu wysokiej jakości rozwiązań napędowych, w tym silników i motoreduktorów wykonanych ze stali nierdzewnej.
Red Lion wprowadza na rynek nowy, niezarządzalny, 16-portowy switch przemysłowy Ethernet N-Tron NT116 do wspierania krytycznych operacji w wymagających warunkach środowiskowych.
W przypadku komponentów elektronicznych umieszczonych w pobliżu obszarów o dużym zasoleniu, wilgoci, narażonych na korozję, kontakt z chemikaliami czy innymi przedmiotami może być niezbędne zastosowanie powłoki konformalnej.
Wyłączniki krańcowe IN73 i MN78 firmy Bernstein idealnie nadają się do małych prądów.
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