
Sterownik silników BLDC

EM-240 controller is designed for small brushless DC-motors. The unit is suitable for three phase hall transducer brushless motors. There are two operating modes: in open loop operating mode the motor voltage is proportional to control value with the characteristics of a common DC-motor with brushes. In closed loop operation hall transducer signal is used to regulate motor speed. Through the feedback, a precise motor rpm in relation to control value can be achieved.

The motor operating speed and running direction can be adjusted and the motor may be braked in both operating modes. The power stage uses PWM princible and is highly efficient.

Speed control value is given as analog voltage signal. The auxiliary voltage signal is regulated and may be used as reference value for control potentiometer. The acceleration speed can be adjusted with acceleration and deceleration ramp. Deceleration ramp can also be bypassed when rapid braking is desired. Additionally the unit is equipped with speed2-feature, which can be activated individually. This is especially practical in positioning applications.

Current limit can be used to restrict motor torque and is dip-switch settable. Control inputs work with positive (NPN) logic. EM-170 is EMC-tested in accordance with industrial standards.



• Hall sensor supply and input

• Open or closed loop activity

• Controlled direction change

• Braking

• Settable current limit

• Settable start and stop ramp

• Dip-switch settable

• EMC tested

Pokaż więcej
  • 12-24 V DC, 1.5 A prąd ciągły, 2 A prąd szczytowy
  • Praca w pętli otwartej lub zamkniętej (sprzężenie zwrotne z czujników Halla)
  • Praca czterokwadrantowa
  • Nastawa parametrów poprzez przełączniki
  • Kompaktowa budowa, montaż na szynie DIN

Wybrany wariant produktu

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Specyfikacja techniczna

Częstotliwość PWM 16kHz
Dostawca Electromen
Maksymalny prąd ciągły 1.5 A
Masa 30 g
Montaż szyna DIN
Napięcie zasilania 12 V DC, 24 V DC
Odpowiedni silnik Bezszczotkowy DC
Prąd szczytowy 2 A
Rodzaj sterowania Prędkość, Hamowanie, Kierunek, Moment, Soft start/stop
Sygnał niski - logiczne 0 <1V = OFF
Sygnał wysoki - logiczne 1 >4V = ON
Temperatura pracy 0°C...+60°C
Wejście analogowe 0-10V
Wymiary dł x sz x wy 60x60x20 mm mm
Zakres ustawień prądu 0.2-2 A

Opis produktu

EM-240 controller is designed for small brushless DC-motors. The unit is suitable for three phase hall transducer brushless motors. There are two operating modes: in open loop operating mode the motor voltage is proportional to control value with the characteristics of a common DC-motor with brushes. In closed loop operation hall transducer signal is used to regulate motor speed. Through the feedback, a precise motor rpm in relation to control value can be achieved.

The motor operating speed and running direction can be adjusted and the motor may be braked in both operating modes. The power stage uses PWM princible and is highly efficient.

Speed control value is given as analog voltage signal. The auxiliary voltage signal is regulated and may be used as reference value for control potentiometer. The acceleration speed can be adjusted with acceleration and deceleration ramp. Deceleration ramp can also be bypassed when rapid braking is desired. Additionally the unit is equipped with speed2-feature, which can be activated individually. This is especially practical in positioning applications.

Current limit can be used to restrict motor torque and is dip-switch settable. Control inputs work with positive (NPN) logic. EM-170 is EMC-tested in accordance with industrial standards.



• Hall sensor supply and input

• Open or closed loop activity

• Controlled direction change

• Braking

• Settable current limit

• Settable start and stop ramp

• Dip-switch settable

• EMC tested



Akademia OEM

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Wojciech Drabik

Product Manager 

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